By : Carl A. Patton
Greetings Brethren,
The world is on the brink of self-destruction. Fools still abound and stand in the way of Truth. However they will never destroy Truth. Many think that they hold the keys to avenues to advance Truth. Therefore they only unlock doors for the immoral and apologetic lies of Hell-bent Devils.
Let it be written the denial of an audience to the Truth-Seekers by those in media, academia etc. only serves to stroke the Fires of Hell for those that are only righteous stumbling blocks. So are the Stumbling blocks that are mere foot-stools of many that are Fools with visions of grandeur and power.
Peace and Love, Your Brother in Christ Carl Patton grateful to be blessed by God our Father November 8, 2003, in the year of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
In the name of God master of the universe, Ruler of the earth.
Greetings from our Father God which art in Heaven. We are also grateful to God for our Savior Jesus Christ and for the Holy Spirit. We pray for peace in our homes, church, schools and throughout the land and country. We especially pray for peace in Jerusalem where Jesus Christ the Messiah will come again. It is written that Jerusalem is the place for Christians not Muslims, Jews are Heathens. However much blood letting is taking place. However the Book teaches that the Sword of the righteous is the Holy Bible.
As the Dead in sin lay in the grave or scattered as ashes along a sea coast, river or mantelpiece are around the necks of the ungodly the soul rests in an intermediate place to wait the final judgment.
We resume with our scripure lesson taken from Luke 16 the rich man and the righteous Lazarus.
Luke 16:27-29. "Then he said, I pray thee therefore, father, that thou wouldest send him to may father's house:"
"For I have five brethren; that he may testify unto them, lest they also come into this place of torment."
"Abraham said unto him, They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them."
No one (in the flesh) has ever come back from the dead to talk (or walk) of the things in the afterlife. Although many have been raised from the dead there is no report from any of them of what is beyond the reach of those still in the flesh. It is recorded that even when Jesus was raised from the dead there were still those that doubted that he was indeed the son of God.
Meanwhile we see that many will not heed the law as it is written. The Bible is the greatest source for the laws of God. This was rendered to the Brethren as it was also rendered to the rich man. It is still rendered to those of the Church of Christ today and to the Heathens in the various churches impersonating Christians. However many pay little attention to the Bible and to those who often bring them Good News. Will we forever note where did the False Doctrine of Burning the flesh instead of burial come from?
Luke 16:30-31. "And he said, Nay, father Abraham: but if one went unto them from the dead, they will repent."
"And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
The rich man wanted his brothers to repent. He now realized that his prosperous family had lived a selfish life and exploited and abused the poor. Thus their wealth was not a problem only the way they used it.
God does not expect humankind to be convinced of the laws of God from someone who has been raised from the dead. The record of the laws comes from those that saw the miracles performed before their eyes. These miracles were eventually recorded in the Bible for all to read. Therefore those that tamper with the Creation and opt to BURN the flesh need to heed God's laws.
Sadly many have an evil heart and wallow in puffed-up selfish pride. This pride will place them in a living Hell fire. The soul is the most important possession of a person. (See Mark 8:36-37). However if you lose your soul do you also lose your body?
The New Testament moved beyond the Hebrew Bible to note the idea of the separate nature of the soul and body. The soul survives after death but will be reunited with the body in a physical resurrection (See John 11:25).
Cont. Part 15: Soul & Body - Body & Soul
Peace and Love, Carl Patton writing for the FreedomJournal August 22, 2003 in the year of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
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